On 02/26/2014 08:31 PM, David Clunie wrote:

I just purchased your xfc to use fo2docx and it is working well.

However, I need to be able to specify the use of the "Arial Unicode MS"
font for ordinary (non-bold, non-italic) text, and "Arial Bold",
"Arial Italic", etc. for the variants, since "Arial Unicode MS"
does not contain those (but I need it for various languages like


"-genericFontFamilies=sans-serif=Arial Unicode MS"

as an argument to fo2docx works just fine to make all "sans-serif"
text use this font, but of course all the bold and italic information
is lost.

No, not at all. Please replace "Arial Unicode MS" by Calibri and you'll see that it works as expected. Explanations below.

I need something like:

"-genericFontFamilies=sans-serif=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif-bold=Arial
sans-serif-italic=Arial Italic,sans-serif-bold-italic=Arial Bold Italic"

The specification you describe is not useful in the general case and as such is not implemented.

sans-serif=FOO means that the sans-serif *font* *family* (AKA *typeface*) to be used is FOO.

Therefore because FOO is a typeface, it is assumed that all the following *fonts* exist:

FOO Bold
FOO Oblique or FOO Italic.
FOO Bold Oblique or FOO Bold Italic.

This is always the case, except for special typefaces such as Symbol, Dingbats, etc.

I had expected there would have been some sort of configuration file
to feed to fo2docx to specify all the font substitution stuff (e.g.,
like one uses with XEP), but could not find one.

There is no such configuration file. The documentation is up to date:


please refer to it, as the support we provide our customers with is quite limited:


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