On 04/03/2015 08:59 PM, Sascha Manns wrote:

is it possible to get your stylefile which are used for building the
I would like to have it as base for my customization. So i plan to use
it with the xfc fo converter.

The User's Guide is a DocBook *v4* document.

The stock XSLT stylesheets used to convert it to various XSL-FO based format are found here:


The modifications made by XMLmind are found in any distribution of XMLmind XSL Utility Evaluation Edition. For example, please download and unzip:


You'll find the modified XSLT stylesheets here:


Our (minor) modifications are documented here:


PS: The stock DocBook *v5* XSLT stylesheets are found here:


Our modified DocBook v5 XSLT stylesheets are found here:


The same CHANGES_MADE_BY_XMLMIND.txt applies to the DocBook v5 XSLT stylesheets.

PS 2: We don't use Word/OpenOffice *named* *styles* in the DOCX, RTF, ODT, etc, we generate out of the User's Guide. That is, no .xfc style specification whatsoever.

More information about named styles in:

"XSL-FO extension for generating named styles"

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