On 04/13/2015 12:12 PM, Dimple Mittal wrote:

Please advise if there is any way of updating the skin for the webhelp
output generated from XMLMInd XSL Utility.

This is not officially supported. You need to regenerate the Web Help using XMLmind XSL Utility with different conversion parameters if you want to change the looks of the generated Web Help.

Also please advise if we can  customize the skin.

There is no formal concept of "skin".

You can do two things:

1) SIMPLE. Pass XSLT stylesheet parameter wh-jquery-theme with a value corresponding to one of the JQuery UI themes. Examples: redmond, cupertino. Please visit http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ to learn about JQuery UI themes and their names.

See attached screenshot #1 (wh-jquery-theme = sunny).


2) MORE DIFFICULT. Customize the CSS used to style the HTML pages comprising the Web Help (look in <output_dir>/_wh/*.css to learn about some of the the stock styles).

Pass XSLT stylesheet parameter wh-user-css pointing to your custom CSS file.

See attached screenshot #2 (wh-user-css = file:/home/hussein/tmp/red.css where red.css contains:
body {
    color: red;


* XMLmind XSL Utility - Online Help, 4. Specifying a conversion


* wh-XXX XSLT stylesheet parameters are parameters supported by XMLmind Web Help Compiler, a software component embedded in XMLmind XSL Utility.


body {
    color: red;
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