On 04/27/2015 11:46 AM, ANDRE Marie-Agnes wrote:

Je travaille sur un projet pour convertir un fichier xml en pdf en
utilisant une feuille de transformation en xsl-fo.

Je viens que de débuter cette dernière.

Quand je compile dans le logiciel. Il bloque une fois qu’il arrive à la
partie FO, j’ai un message d’erreur :

« org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.  »

J’ai vérifié mon prologue et je ne vois pas où est le problème.

Code incluant la balise racine :

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [

                 <!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;">


                 <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"



Avez-vous une idée pour savoir ce qui me bloque et m’empêche de continuer ?

Sorry but this public, moderated, mailing-list is in English.

--> It's hard to help you because
1) XMLmind XSL Utility 4.3.2 is a very old version of our software and as such, no longer supported by us;
2) you give us very few details about the issue.

Quand je compile dans le logiciel. Il bloque une fois qu’il arrive à la
partie FO, j’ai un message d’erreur :

When I compile in the software. It hangs when it reaches the FO part, I have a error message:

is not precise enough.

Please select the whole contents of XMLmind XSL Utility ``internal console'' (what's below button "Convert"), use Ctrl-C to copy it to the clipboard and then send us all the messages printed there by our tool.

--> You copied in your email just the very beginning of your XSLT stylesheet. These few lines are OK. However the error you have probably comes from the *body* of your XSLT stylesheet.

Let's suppose your input document (that is, the document you want to convert to PDF; not your XSLT stylesheet) contains:

<my:doc xmlns:my="http://EDQM.eu/ns/my";>

If your XSLT stylesheet does *not* have a template which matches root element my:doc, then the FO file it generates may contain plain text (due to default XSLT templates) and hence you'll get "Content is not allowed in prolog".

In a nutshell, the problem almost certainly comes from your XSLT stylesheet and/or from a mismatch between your XSLT stylesheet and your input document.

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