On 04/28/2015 10:54 AM, Thomas Radtke wrote:

we're currently trying the fo converter and notice that SVG graphics are
printed approx. half in size, while bmp's display just fine (docx
output). The same SVG graphics render ok with Apache FOP (pdf output).
What am I doing wrong here?

Nothing wrong.

My guess is that you do not specify width and height attributes in the fo:external-graphic referencing the SVG file.

It's strongly recommended to always specify width and height attributes (in in, cm, pt, etc) in fo:external-graphic.

If you cannot do that, FOP and our product, XMLmind XSL-FO Converter, seem to use different intrinsic image dimensions for SVG.

Passing command-line parameter (or the Java/.NET API equivalent)


should allow you to change the intrinsic image dimensions for SVG.

For example:


Please search for "set.graphic_factory_name.parameter_name" in http://www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/_distrib/doc/user/command_line_java.html

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