On 02/15/2017 10:44 AM, himanshumahara wrote:

I need one help.

I want to create the section (shown on attached document) with exact
border and border styling.

can you suggest me the code that i can write?

I'm sorry but this is not possible. We don't answer questions like "which XSL-FO should I generate in order to get this". This is *your* *job* to determine which code you should write.

This is clearly stated in our Support policy:

* You are an XSLT developer writing a stylesheet which generates XSL-FO:

Support is limited to bug reports and requests for enhancements. Note that we'll not answer questions like: "what is wrong with this XSL-FO snippet" or "which XSL-FO should I generate in order to get this". More information in this FAQ: "I cannot get the results that I want. Can you help me tweak my XSLT stylesheet?"

--> I also suggest that you carefully read this FAQ:
I cannot get the results that I want. Can you help me tweak my XSLT stylesheet?

XMLmind FO Converter Support List

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