Philipp M. wrote:

We are using your XSL-FO Converter in our application to generate Word
(docx) files.

We have recently adjusted the generation of our XSL-FO files in several
aspects, one of them being that we use namespace prefixes instead of
local namespace declarations in every element. Not sure if this is the
cause of the below issue, but maybe it helps.

Since those changes, the textual content of generated tables is not
visible anymore in the generated Docx files..
Generated PDFs are fine. I
downloaded your XSL Utility in version 5.4.1 and it shows the exact same
behavior, so I am quite sure that this is a bug in your library.

I have attached an example XSL-FO, the resulting Docx file and the
resulting PDF file (with correct content). The table in question starts
at line 651 in the XSL-FO file.

Please tell us whether a more recent version of your library already has
this bug fixed or whether there is anything we can do to work around
this issue.

As this issue has a direct effect on many of our customers, this has a
high priority for us, so please give us a first response as early as you

This is indeed a limitation of our product.

Excerpts from
Block-level Formatting Objects

Object | Supported | Comments
block | yes | Not supported inside inline-level objects (output format limitation).

This limitation is documented and has always existed. It's unlikely that we attempt to remove it.

The workaround is to avoid generating fo:blocks inside fo:inlines.

I did this in attached xslfo_with_workaround.xml [ATTACHMENT DELETED] and of course, this solved the problem. See attached xslfo_with_workaround.docx [ATTACHMENT DELETED].

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