Ekaterina S. wrote:

Thank you, your tip really helped.

I have now another question (you see, I really want to make this utility work 
:)): is there anything special I have to have in mind regarding using the 
custom.css.source parameter? Specifying it directly in the conversion 
specification like
generates an error like
ERROR: Fatal error: Failed to create output file 

Not 100% sure, not tested by me, but according to the DocBook XSL stylesheet reference manual:


You should specify

<parameter name="custom.css.source">EclipseHelpAdaptations.css.xml</parameter>

No "%~px" prefix.

However file "EclipseHelpAdaptations.css.xml" must indeed be copied to the directory containing the "eclipse3.xsl" DocBook XSL stylesheet.

The directory containing the stock DocBook XSL stylesheet being:


according to your <conversion name="TESTEclipseHelp">.

This is needed because the DocBook XSL stylesheet reference manual says:

1. The stylesheet uses the XSLT document() function to open the file specified by the parameter [custom.css.source IMPLIED HERE] and load it into a variable.

2. The stylesheet forms an output pathname consisting of the value of the base.dir parameter (if it is set) and the value of custom.css.source [THIS IMPLIES THE VALUE "AS IS"], with the .xml suffix stripped off.

To learn about the XSLT document() function, please refer tohttps://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#document

--> Please note that

1) this question is not related at all to XMLmind XSL Utility but to the DocBook XSL stylesheets;

2) we do not officially support the conversion of DocBook to Eclipse Help in XMLmind XSL Utility precisely to avoid providing our customers with this kind of support.

The customers of XMLmind XSL Utility basically use it to convert DITA to a variety of formats, including RTF, WML, DOCX and ODT. Therefore I'm not sure that XMLmind XSL Utility is the right tool for your use case.

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