On 07/23/2018 12:12 PM, LEITNER Martin wrote:

in the attached FO sample (emptyCells.fo), there is a block, a block
with a table, and another block, with some margins in between.

The margin between the first block and the table causes an empty
paragraph to be generated in the DOCX file (emptyCells.docx), which is fine.

However, while all the paragraphs with content have “Arial” as font name
(as defined in the FO file), the empty paragraph has no font assigned,
leaving MS Word to pick whatever font is defined in your settings (or

This is unfortunate, as the recipient of the DOCX file may want to edit
it, and (somewhat reasonably) expects his newly added content to be
formatted in Arial, as is the rest of the document.

Note that the empty table cells also lack a font setting in a similar way.

We were aware of this bug but for now, we never managed to fix it.

Is there a way to assign formatting properties (font name, font size, …)
to these empty paragraphs (as shown in emptyCells_desired.docx)?

We'll try again, harder, to fix this bug for the next release, but we cannot guarantee that we'll succeed in fixing this long lasting bug.

Meanwhile, when you want to generate an empty paragraph or an empty table for use as a placeholder by the MS-Word user, a rather ugly workaround for this issue consists in adding a non-breaking character ( ) in the corresponding, otherwise empty, fo:block.

Empty paragraph example:

  <fo:block font-family="Arial">&#xA0;</fo:block>

Empty table cell example:

  <fo:table-cell font-family="Arial">

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