--- Comment #55 from alexxcons <> ---
Thanks for testing all !

- With this patch there is no need for xfconf-query. I added a checkbox for it
in  preferences-->display ... I used the tooltip to give info on the supported
files-names ...  We as well could make it hidden, than we could add the tooltip
info into the Wiki. I dont have strong preference for one or the other.

- Will try to test with your setup to reproduce the scroll-delay / CPU load.
Which size did your used picture have ? jpg /png ?

To use thumbnails instead of the file itself is a good idea I think. Do we
really need a new plugin for that ? 
The thumbnailer will already provide thumbnails for all pics inside a folder,
as well for folder.jpg, etc. The only problem: Afaik currently these thumbnails
are loaded when the folder is opened. This would be too late for our purpose.

If possible I would try to keep using the generic fd API for picture
thumbnailers, not explicitly tumbler.

Without looking into the related thunar-thumbnailer code my plan would be:
1. request thumbnails for folder.jpg, etc. already when the containing folder
icon is requested
2. load + display the thumbnail when available + store the path of the
thumbnail of interest in the related "ThunarFile" of the folder ( should be the
member: thumbnail_path)
3. Only request a new thumbnail for the folder if e.g. cover.jpg is added

When  I have time I'll further read the thumbnailer part to see if it could be
done like that.

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