On 26 January 2017 at 07:54, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Korora is a live spin Fedora Core 25 and Xfce 4.12.
> Its goal is to provide a working desktop right off the spin.
> https://kororaproject.org
> korora-live-xfce-25-x86_64.iso
> I had a customer call me who was running M$ Vista.  Well Fargo
> bumped him for being unsupported by M$.
> [editorial comment]
>       If Wells Fargo cared a wit about security, they wouldn't allow
>       Internet Explorer or Windows for that matter at all, but ...
> [/editorial comment].
> When I arrived, I found that his system had reverted to factory
> default.  Everything was gone.  He did not know what he did
> to cause this (he selected factory reinstall on boot in bios).
> So I showed him Korora live (it has ublock orgin in Firefox).
> He likes it and told me to put it on.
> Review:
> Pluses:  It is a nice package with several of the things customer's
> use already loaded.  Libre Office was a real plus as it is a large
> download.
> Minuses:
> 1) in an attempt to be cute, it is way, way too "artsy fartsy".  The icons
> are not what you expect to see.  You have to hover over them to see
> what they are.  This is cute, but anti intuitive.   They do not include
> the regular icons so you can change them back.
> 2) in desktop setting, I was unable to select an alternate file path
> for the back drops.  The file system was grayed out.
> 3) Xfce Pol-Kit was not working.  This means I had to fire up the
> printer setup utility from the command line as root.  When run
> as a user, everything was grayed out and Xfce Pol-Kit did not
> prompt for elevation.  The lack of elevation was not limited
> to the printer setup utility
> Next time, I will stick with the regular live spin.
> https://spins.fedoraproject.org/xfce/#downloads
> I carry Libre Office with me on a stick, so its size is not a
> big issue.   And I can easily dnf shotwell and kpat.
> That being said, the customer said his computer was multiple
> times faster and was tickled.  He really only uses Firefox,
> and once he figured out the artsy farsty blur ball icon,
> he was very happy.
> -T
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Computers are like air conditioners.
> They malfunction when you open windows
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Best to ask on Korora's support Engage

However I) I think the default icons are there, although the Fedora name
disappears with Fedora branding (a legal requirement). it defaults to Numix

2) that is a known issue that affect Xfce generally although I can't find a
bug report for it. My Fedora Xfce system has the same problem. there is a
workaround as detailed at

3) unable to reproduce that one, works fine here, were you running on live

Jim Dean

Email - jdea...@gmail.com
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