
For a few days, I have this weird issue where the UI freezes every
time I open a file dialog (or Thunar), but after the first time, it is
responsive again. Here are a few situations where I see this:

- Starting Thunar
  - The initial window shows up after >20 seconds
  - right click to bring up the context menu, >15 seconds
    - any subsequent context menus appear instantaneously
  - similar behaviour for all subsequent thunar windows
  - during the slow down, I can still move around the window but can't
bring up any menus

- Opening the file dialog in an application
  - trying to open the file selection dialog takes >20 seconds
  - tried with applications like Evince, Libreoffice, Ristretto, Mousepad
  - any subsequent attempts are instantaneous, until I restart the application

I have looked at .xsession-errors, and output from `journalctl
--user`, there was nothing obvious.

Any idea what's going on?  How can I debug this?



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