Hello XFCE4 team,

I just want to thank you for creating such a great spin. I just want to ask, 
would it be possible to inclue xfce4-windowck plugin and xfce4-global-menu 
plugin in xfce4 in nest release?

I see there are spec for global-menu in 
https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/jcornuz/xfce-global-menu/ , I tried it 
on F38 xfce spins, it still work (for global app menu, but for windowck, seems 
broken, the dependencies isn't met), Is that possible to scrap the build spec 
from the copr git for building it in F39? 

2nd is, is it possible for windowck as well? I tried build it myself on fedora 
38 spins, using these dependendies

autoconf intltool libtool libX11-devel libwnck3-devel libxfce4util-devel 
libxfce4util libSM-devel libICE-devel

and it works, but I never package any rpms or create a build spec. 

My last question is, would it possible to make this package official part of 
the XFCE spin, but doesn't installed by default? So people has options for the 
xfce spin like other distro. 

Best regards,

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