I have been having a ton of problems with my RH 8.0 associated with my i845 chipset on my motherboard.

I have put in the 4.2.20 kernel - just fine now. I installed the XFree86 binaries and things stopped.

I just did a XFree86 -configure and put the resulting configuration file in /etc/X11/XF86Config. I restarted the system. I did a startx. Nothing but blank screen. Edited the config file and replaced the i810 driver with vesa. restarted the system again. I did a startx. This time I got something. I'm not sure what it was, but it wasn't my pretty interface before the binary install. It a "desktop" for lack of a better term. It had a clock (hard to read, but analog format). It had two terminal windows with dark backgrounds and one terminal window with a light background. exiting the light one exits everything.

1) How do I get my pretty interface back (GNOME)? I tried switchdesk GNOME, but I got the same stuff.

2) Must I always reboot after I stop a startx? If I don't I just get a blank screen.

Please help! Any answer to any of these questions will be welcome.

To Do: Get GNOME back. Get startx to restart without a reboot. Get correct drivers in place.

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