"Christine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    I've just installe mandrake 8.0, and get a fatal error while booting.
>    I've attached the XFree86.0.log.

Hmm.  I really cannot se just how some of the values from the log file
could arise with a working card, among other things it detects 0MB
available memory on the card, and also the DACSpeed value (Max pixel
clock) is completely wrong.

There have been quite a few improvements to the driver for the et6k
since version 4.0.3, you might want to try a newer version of XFree86
as well.

>    XFree86-W32-3.3.6-25.1mdk.i586

This server/driver is not for the et6k, only for some et4k-based
cards.  Don't use it here.  (It isn't used currently either. :)

It might help if you sent the contents of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 to see
if there is something wrong specified there.

Part of the problem is that I don't think there are any developers
left with a working et6k card to test things on.  So the driver are
slowly getting less and less updates.  Common problem with
sufficiently old hardware, sadly.

Harald Nordgård-Hansen, Linpro AS  <><  http://www.linpro.no/~hnh/
PB. 375, N-1601 Fredrikstad, Norway    Phone/Fax: +47 6935 2424/25
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