Attached are some files pertaining to my trying to bring up XFree86 on my PC system. My video card is AOpen PG 128 plus with 4 MB but I picked a generic VGA board to describe the video board; as I recall AOpen PG 128 used to be one of the video boards listed (probably in FreeBSD 3.3 , 4.1 , and/or 4.3 ), but I didn't see it listed this time (in FreeBSD 4.7 ). Is AOpen PG 128 close enough to AOpen PG 128 plus for me to use it to describe the video board correctly? There should be a program like uname for the video board so that you can get a proper description of it. Also, I don't think choices should be removed from the list. My terminal is a 'HYUNDAI HCM-433E ULTRA VGA' and it isn't on the monitor list, though there is another HYUNDAI there. I do occasionally get my screen switching to having long thin rectangles (with wavy edges) going from the top to the bottom of the screen. Sometimes the original screen comes back and I can continue working, sometimes it doesn't. I have some suspicions about this, but they are too long to write.
When I installed FreeBSD 4.3 , I couldn't configure X so I copied the one I managed to create for FreeBSD 4.1 into my FreeBSD 4.3 slice. (I don't update an installation, I create a new one in an unused slice.) I did the same for FreeBSD 4.7 when I could't configure X . I would like to resolve this problem also. When trying to configure the keyboard, the top 4 choices (of the 25 ) disappeared off the top of the screen and I have no idea what they were. This should be corrected. My keyboard is an Acer , so I just picked a generic US model (choice 5 seemed to fit).
I would like to have some new features in XFree86 , with whom can I discuss them? Where can I get documentation on XFree86 , maybe some features I want are already in it?

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FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #0: Wed Oct 9 15:08:34 GMT 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386

Rules			 =	"xfree86"
Model			 =	"pc101"
Layout			 =	"us"
MouseKeysCurve		 =	0

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     "XFree86 Configured"
	Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
	InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
	InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
	RgbPath      "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
	ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"

Section "Module"
	Load  "dbe"
	Load  "dri"
	Load  "extmod"
	Load  "glx"
	Load  "pex5"
	Load  "record"
	Load  "xie"
	Load  "xtrap"
	Load  "speedo"
	Load  "type1"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
	Driver      "keyboard"
	Option	    "XkbRules" "xfree86"
	Option	    "XkbModel" "pc101"
	Option	    "XkbLayout" "us"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Mouse0"
	Driver      "mouse"
	Option	    "Protocol" "MouseSystems"
	Option	    "Device" "/dev/sysmouse"

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Monitor0"
	VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
	ModelName    "Monitor Model"
	HorizSync    31.5 - 57.0
	VertRefresh  50.0 - 70.0

Section "Device"
       ### Available Driver options are:-
       ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
       ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
       ### [arg]: arg optional
       #Option     "slow_edodram"       	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "slow_dram"          	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "fast_dram"          	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "fpm_vram"           	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "pci_burst"          	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "fifo_conservative"  	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "fifo_moderate"      	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "fifo_aggressive"    	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "pci_retry"          	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "NoAccel"            	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "early_ras_precharge" 	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "late_ras_precharge" 	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "lcd_center"         	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "set_lcdclk"         	# <i>
       #Option     "set_mclk"           	# <freq>
       #Option     "set_refclk"         	# <freq>
       #Option     "show_cache"         	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "HWCursor"           	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "SWCursor"           	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "ShadowFB"           	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "Rotate"             	# [<str>]
       #Option     "UseFB"              	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "mxcr3afix"          	# [<bool>]
       #Option     "XVideo"             	# [<bool>]
	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "vga"
	VendorName  "S3"
	BoardName   "Trio3D/2X"
	ChipSet     "generic"
	BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen0"
	Device     "Card0"
	Monitor    "Monitor0"
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth     1
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth     4
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth     8
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth     15
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth     16
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth     24

XFree86 Version 4.2.1 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
Release Date: 3 September 2002
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
reporting problems. (See http://www.XFree86.Org/)
Build Operating System: FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT i386 [ELF]
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Fri Feb 7 02:16:18 2003
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config"
(==) ServerLayout "Simple Layout"
(**) |-->Screen "Screen 1" (0)
(**) | |-->Monitor "hyundai"
(**) | |-->Device "aopen pg128+"
(**) |-->Input Device "Mouse1"
(**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard1"
(**) Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
(**) Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
(**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
(**) Option "XkbModel" "dell101"
(**) XKB: model: "dell101"
(**) Option "XkbLayout" "us"
(**) XKB: layout: "us"
(==) Keyboard: CustomKeycode disabled
(WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/".
Entry deleted from font path.
(Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/").
(**) FontPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
(**) RgbPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
(==) ModulePath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
(--) Using syscons driver with X support (version 2.0)
(--) using VT number 9

(II) Module ABI versions:
XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
XFree86 Video Driver: 0.5
XFree86 XInput driver : 0.3
XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1
XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.3
(II) Loader running on freebsd
(II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
(II) Module bitmap: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font Bitmap
(II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
(II) Module pcidata: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
(II) PCI: Config type is 1
(II) PCI: stages = 0x03, oldVal1 = 0x00000000, mode1Res1 = 0x80000000
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 1106,0691 card 0000,0000 rev 42 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 1106,8598 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 00:07:0: chip 1106,0596 card 1106,0000 rev 11 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:07:1: chip 1106,0571 card 0000,0000 rev 06 class 01,01,8a hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:2: chip 1106,3038 card 0925,1234 rev 05 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:3: chip 1106,3051 card 0000,0000 rev 20 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:09:0: chip 12b9,1008 card 12b9,00a2 rev 01 class 07,00,02 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0a:0: chip 1073,000d card 1073,000d rev 03 class 04,01,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0b:0: chip 1011,0019 card 1025,0315 rev 41 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0c:0: chip 9004,8178 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 01,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:00:0: chip 5333,8a13 card 5333,8a13 rev 02 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) LoadModule: "scanpci"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(II) Module scanpci: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) UnloadModule: "scanpci"
(II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (-1,0,0), BCTRL: 0x08 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 0 I/O range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
(II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:1:0), (0,1,1), BCTRL: 0x0c (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 1 I/O range:
(II) Bus 1 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B]
(II) Bus 1 prefetchable memory range:
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:7:0), (0,-1,0), BCTRL: 0x08 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus -1 I/O range:
(II) Bus -1 non-prefetchable memory range:
(II) Bus -1 prefetchable memory range:
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:7:3), (-1,-1,0), BCTRL: 0x08 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus -1 I/O range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
(II) Bus -1 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus -1 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(--) PCI:*(1:0:0) S3 Trio3D/2X rev 2, Mem @ 0xe0000000/26
(II) Addressable bus resource ranges are
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
[1] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
(II) OS-reported resource ranges:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[6] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
(II) Active PCI resource ranges:
[0] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee00ffff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[1] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[2] -1 0xee000000 - 0xefffffff (0x2000000) MX[B]E
[3] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xefffffff (0x8000000) MX[B]E
[4] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[5] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[6] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[7] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[8] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[9] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xee008000 from 0xee00ffff to 0xee008fff
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xee000000 from 0xefffffff to 0xee007fff
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xe8000000 from 0xefffffff to 0xebffffff
(II) Active PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps:
[0] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[1] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[2] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[3] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[4] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[5] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[6] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[7] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[8] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[9] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
(II) OS-reported resource ranges after removing overlaps with PCI:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[6] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
(II) All system resource ranges:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[6] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[7] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[8] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[9] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[10] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[11] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
[12] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[13] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[14] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[15] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[16] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
(II) LoadModule: "dbe"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdbe.a
(II) Module dbe: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Server Extension
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
(II) LoadModule: "extmod"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libextmod.a
(II) Module extmod: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Server Extension
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension SHAPE
(II) Loading extension BIG-REQUESTS
(II) Loading extension SYNC
(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(II) Loading extension XC-MISC
(II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
(II) Loading extension XFree86-Misc
(II) Loading extension DPMS
(II) Loading extension FontCache
(II) Loading extension TOG-CUP
(II) Loading extension Extended-Visual-Information
(II) Loading extension XVideo
(II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(II) LoadModule: "type1"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libtype1.a
(II) Module type1: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.1
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font Type1
(II) Loading font CID
(II) LoadModule: "freetype"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libfreetype.a
(II) Module freetype: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.1.10
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font FreeType
(II) LoadModule: "vga"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/vga_drv.o
(II) Module vga: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 4.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Video Driver
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) LoadModule: "mouse"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/mouse_drv.o
(II) Module mouse: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 XInput Driver
ABI class: XFree86 XInput driver, version 0.3
(II) VGA: Generic VGA driver (version 4.0) for chipsets: generic
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
(--) Chipset generic found
(II) resource ranges after xf86ClaimFixedResources() call:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[6] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[7] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[8] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[9] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[10] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[11] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
[12] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[13] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[14] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[15] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[16] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
(II) resource ranges after probing:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[6] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[7] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[8] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[9] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[10] 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B]
[11] 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B]
[12] 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B]
[13] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[14] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
[15] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[16] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[17] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[18] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[19] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[20] 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B]
[21] 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B]
(II) Setting vga for screen 0.
(II) Loading sub module "int10"
(II) LoadModule: "int10"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libint10.a
(II) Module int10: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) VGA(0): initializing int10
(==) VGA(0): Write-combining range (0xa0000,0x20000) was already clear
(==) VGA(0): Write-combining range (0xf0000,0x10000)
(II) VGA(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
(**) VGA(0): Depth 8, (--) framebuffer bpp 8
(==) VGA(0): RGB weight 666
(==) VGA(0): Default visual is PseudoColor
(==) VGA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(==) VGA(0): videoRam: 64 kBytes.
(II) Loading sub module "vgahw"
(II) LoadModule: "vgahw"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvgahw.a
(II) Module vgahw: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) VGA(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x0000
(==) VGA(0): Virtual size is 320x200 (pitch 320)
(**) VGA(0): Built-in mode "Generic 320x200 default mode": 12.6 MHz (scaled from 25.2 MHz), 31.5 kHz, 70.2 Hz (VScan)
(II) VGA(0): Modeline "Generic 320x200 default mode" 12.59 320 336 384 400 200 206 207 224 vscan 2 -hsync +vsync
(==) VGA(0): DPI set to (75, 75)
(II) Loading sub module "fb"
(II) LoadModule: "fb"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libfb.a
(II) Module fb: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 ANSI C Emulation, version 0.1
(II) do I need RAC? No, I don't.
(II) resource ranges after preInit:
[0] 0 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MS[B]
[1] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[2] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[3] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[6] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[7] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[8] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[9] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[10] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[11] 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B]
[12] 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B](OprU)
[13] 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B](OprU)
[14] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[15] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
[16] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[17] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[18] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[19] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[20] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[21] 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B]
[22] 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B]
(==) VGA(0): Write-combining range (0xa0000,0x10000) was already clear
(II) Setting vga for screen 0.
(II) Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
(II) Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
(II) Initializing built-in extension XTEST
(II) Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
(II) Initializing built-in extension LBX
(II) Initializing built-in extension XC-APPGROUP
(II) Initializing built-in extension SECURITY
(II) Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
(II) Initializing built-in extension XFree86-Bigfont
(II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER
(**) Option "Protocol" "MouseSystems"
(**) Mouse1: Protocol: "MouseSystems"
(**) Option "CorePointer"
(**) Mouse1: Core Pointer
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/sysmouse"
(**) Option "BaudRate" "1200"
(**) Option "StopBits" "2"
(**) Option "DataBits" "8"
(**) Option "Parity" "None"
(**) Option "Vmin" "1"
(**) Option "Vtime" "0"
(**) Option "FlowControl" "None"
(**) Option "ClearDTR"
(**) Option "ClearRTS"
(WW) Option ClearRTS not supported on this OS
(EE) Mouse1: cannot open input device
(EE) PreInit failed for input device "Mouse1"
(II) UnloadModule: "mouse"
(II) Keyboard "Keyboard1" handled by legacy driver
(WW) No core pointer registered
No core pointer

Fatal server error:
failed to initialize core devices

When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
the full server output, not just the last messages.
This can be found in the log file "/var/log/XFree86.0.log".
Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

XFree86 Version 4.2.1 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
Release Date: 3 September 2002
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
reporting problems. (See http://www.XFree86.Org/)
Build Operating System: FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT i386 [ELF]
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.8.log", Time: Fri Feb 7 01:43:10 2003
(++) Using config file: "//"
(==) ServerLayout "XFree86 Configured"
(**) |-->Screen "Screen0" (0)
(**) | |-->Monitor "Monitor0"
(**) | |-->Device "Card0"
(**) |-->Input Device "Mouse0"
(**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard0"
(==) Keyboard: CustomKeycode disabled
(**) FontPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
(**) RgbPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
(**) ModulePath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
(--) Using syscons driver with X support (version 2.0)
(--) using VT number 3

(II) Module ABI versions:
XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
XFree86 Video Driver: 0.5
XFree86 XInput driver : 0.3
XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1
XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.3
(II) Loader running on freebsd
(II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
(II) Module bitmap: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font Bitmap
(II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
(II) Module pcidata: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
(II) PCI: Config type is 1
(II) PCI: stages = 0x03, oldVal1 = 0x00000000, mode1Res1 = 0x80000000
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 1106,0691 card 0000,0000 rev 42 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 1106,8598 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 00:07:0: chip 1106,0596 card 1106,0000 rev 11 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:07:1: chip 1106,0571 card 0000,0000 rev 06 class 01,01,8a hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:2: chip 1106,3038 card 0925,1234 rev 05 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:3: chip 1106,3051 card 0000,0000 rev 20 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:09:0: chip 12b9,1008 card 12b9,00a2 rev 01 class 07,00,02 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0a:0: chip 1073,000d card 1073,000d rev 03 class 04,01,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0b:0: chip 1011,0019 card 1025,0315 rev 41 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0c:0: chip 9004,8178 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 01,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:00:0: chip 5333,8a13 card 5333,8a13 rev 02 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) LoadModule: "scanpci"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(II) Module scanpci: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) UnloadModule: "scanpci"
(II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (-1,0,0), BCTRL: 0x08 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 0 I/O range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
(II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:1:0), (0,1,1), BCTRL: 0x0c (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 1 I/O range:
(II) Bus 1 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B]
(II) Bus 1 prefetchable memory range:
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:7:0), (0,-1,0), BCTRL: 0x08 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus -1 I/O range:
(II) Bus -1 non-prefetchable memory range:
(II) Bus -1 prefetchable memory range:
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:7:3), (-1,-1,0), BCTRL: 0x08 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus -1 I/O range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
(II) Bus -1 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus -1 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(--) PCI:*(1:0:0) S3 Trio3D/2X rev 2, Mem @ 0xe0000000/26
(II) Addressable bus resource ranges are
[0] -1 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
[1] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
(II) OS-reported resource ranges:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[6] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
(II) Active PCI resource ranges:
[0] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee00ffff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[1] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[2] -1 0xee000000 - 0xefffffff (0x2000000) MX[B]E
[3] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xefffffff (0x8000000) MX[B]E
[4] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[5] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[6] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[7] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[8] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[9] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xee008000 from 0xee00ffff to 0xee008fff
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xee000000 from 0xefffffff to 0xee007fff
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xe8000000 from 0xefffffff to 0xebffffff
(II) Active PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps:
[0] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[1] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[2] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[3] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[4] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[5] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[6] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[7] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[8] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[9] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
(II) OS-reported resource ranges after removing overlaps with PCI:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[6] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
(II) All system resource ranges:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[6] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[7] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[8] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[9] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[10] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[11] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
[12] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[13] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[14] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[15] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[16] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
(II) LoadModule: "dbe"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdbe.a
(II) Module dbe: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Server Extension
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
(II) LoadModule: "dri"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a
(II) Module dri: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading sub module "drm"
(II) LoadModule: "drm"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/freebsd/libdrm.a
(II) Module drm: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
(II) LoadModule: "extmod"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libextmod.a
(II) Module extmod: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Server Extension
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension SHAPE
(II) Loading extension BIG-REQUESTS
(II) Loading extension SYNC
(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(II) Loading extension XC-MISC
(II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
(II) Loading extension XFree86-Misc
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
(II) Loading extension DPMS
(II) Loading extension FontCache
(II) Loading extension TOG-CUP
(II) Loading extension Extended-Visual-Information
(II) Loading extension XVideo
(II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(II) LoadModule: "glx"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a
(II) Module glx: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading sub module "GLcore"
(II) LoadModule: "GLcore"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a
(II) Module GLcore: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension GLX
(II) LoadModule: "pex5"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libpex5.a
(II) Module pex5: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Server Extension
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension X3D-PEX
(II) LoadModule: "record"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/librecord.a
(II) Module record: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.13.0
Module class: XFree86 Server Extension
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension RECORD
(II) LoadModule: "xie"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libxie.a
(II) Module xie: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Server Extension
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension XIE
(II) LoadModule: "xtrap"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libxtrap.a
(II) Module xtrap: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Server Extension
ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension DEC-XTRAP
(II) LoadModule: "speedo"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libspeedo.a
(II) Module speedo: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.1
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font Speedo
(II) LoadModule: "type1"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libtype1.a
(II) Module type1: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.1
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font Type1
(II) Loading font CID
(II) LoadModule: "s3virge"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/s3virge_drv.o
(II) Module s3virge: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.8.3
Module class: XFree86 Video Driver
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) LoadModule: "mouse"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/mouse_drv.o
(II) Module mouse: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 XInput Driver
ABI class: XFree86 XInput driver, version 0.3
(II) S3VIRGE: driver (version 1.8.3) for S3 ViRGE chipsets: virge, 86C325,
virge vx, 86C988, virge dx, virge gx, 86C375, 86C385, virge gx2,
86C357, virge mx, 86C260, virge mx+, 86C280, trio 3d, 86C365,
trio 3d/2x, 86C362, 86C368
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(--) Chipset trio 3d/2x found
(II) resource ranges after xf86ClaimFixedResources() call:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[6] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[7] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[8] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[9] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[10] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[11] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
[12] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[13] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[14] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[15] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[16] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
(II) resource ranges after probing:
[0] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[1] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[2] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[3] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[6] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[7] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[8] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[9] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[10] 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B]
[11] 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B]
[12] 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B]
[13] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[14] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
[15] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[16] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[17] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[18] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[19] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[20] 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B]
[21] 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B]
(II) Setting vga for screen 0.
(II) Loading sub module "vgahw"
(II) LoadModule: "vgahw"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvgahw.a
(II) Module vgahw: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Depth 8, (==) framebuffer bpp 8
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Default visual is PseudoColor
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Using HW Cursor
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Using fb.
(==) S3VIRGE(0): mx_cr3a_fix.
(==) S3VIRGE(0): XVideo allowed (depends on chipset).
(II) Loading sub module "vbe"
(II) LoadModule: "vbe"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvbe.a
(II) Module vbe: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) Loading sub module "int10"
(II) LoadModule: "int10"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libint10.a
(II) Module int10: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) S3VIRGE(0): initializing int10
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Write-combining range (0xa0000,0x20000) was already clear
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Write-combining range (0xf0000,0x10000)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA BIOS detected
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE Version 2.0
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE Total Mem: 4096 kB
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE OEM: S3 Incorporated. 86C362
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE OEM Software Rev: 1.1
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE OEM Vendor: S3 Incorporated.
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE OEM Product: Trio3D/2X
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE OEM Product Rev: Rev C
(--) S3VIRGE(0): Chipset: "trio 3d/2x"
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Write-combining range (0xe1000000,0x10000) was already clear
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Write-combining range (0xe1000000,0x8000) was already clear
(II) S3VIRGE(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x0000
(II) S3VIRGE(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x0000
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Write-combining range (0xa0000,0x10000) was already clear
(II) Loading sub module "ddc"
(II) LoadModule: "ddc"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libddc.a
(II) Module ddc: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) Loading sub module "ddc"
(II) LoadModule: "ddc"
(II) Reloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libddc.a
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE DDC supported
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE DDC Level none
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE DDC transfer in appr. 0 sec.
(II) S3VIRGE(0): VESA VBE DDC read failed
(--) S3VIRGE(0): No DDC signal
(II) Loading sub module "i2c"
(II) LoadModule: "i2c"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libi2c.a
(II) Module i2c: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.2.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) S3VIRGE(0): I2C bus "I2C bus" initialized.
(II) S3VIRGE(0): I2C device "I2C bus:ddc2" registered.
(II) S3VIRGE(0): I2C device "I2C bus:ddc2" removed.
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(--) S3VIRGE(0): videoram: 4096k
(--) S3VIRGE(0): Detected current MCLK value of 100.227 MHz
(WW) S3VIRGE(0): Monitor0: Using default hsync range of 28.00-33.00kHz
(WW) S3VIRGE(0): Monitor0: using default vrefresh range of 43.00-72.00Hz
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Clock range: 20.00 to 270.00 MHz
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x350" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "320x175" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x400" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "320x200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "720x400" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "360x200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1152x864" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "576x432" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1280x960" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1280x960" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "896x672" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "896x672" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1856x1392" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "928x696" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1856x1392" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "928x696" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (horizontal timing out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "832x624" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "416x312" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "1600x1024" (hsync out of range)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Not using default mode "800x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(--) S3VIRGE(0): Virtual size is 640x480 (pitch 640)
(**) S3VIRGE(0): Default mode "640x480": 25.2 MHz, 31.5 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Modeline "640x480" 25.20 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync
(==) S3VIRGE(0): DPI set to (75, 75)
(II) Loading sub module "fb"
(II) LoadModule: "fb"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libfb.a
(II) Module fb: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 ANSI C Emulation, version 0.1
(II) Loading sub module "xaa"
(II) LoadModule: "xaa"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libxaa.a
(II) Module xaa: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) Loading sub module "ramdac"
(II) LoadModule: "ramdac"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libramdac.a
(II) Module ramdac: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) do I need RAC? No, I don't.
(II) resource ranges after preInit:
[0] 0 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MS[B]
[1] -1 0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
[2] -1 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
[3] -1 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
[4] -1 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
[5] -1 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
[6] -1 0xee008000 - 0xee008fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[7] -1 0xee009000 - 0xee009fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
[8] -1 0xee000000 - 0xee007fff (0x8000) MX[B]E
[9] -1 0xe8000000 - 0xebffffff (0x4000000) MX[B]E
[10] -1 0xe0000000 - 0xe3ffffff (0x4000000) MX[B](B)
[11] 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B](OprD)
[12] 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B](OprD)
[13] 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B](OprD)
[14] -1 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
[15] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
[16] -1 0x00007400 - 0x000074ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[17] -1 0x00007000 - 0x000070ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[18] -1 0x00006c00 - 0x00006cff (0x100) IX[B]E
[19] -1 0x00006800 - 0x000068ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[20] -1 0x00006400 - 0x000064ff (0x100) IX[B]E
[21] 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B](OprU)
[22] 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B](OprU)
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Write-combining range (0xe1000000,0x10000) was already clear
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Write-combining range (0xe1000000,0x8000) was already clear
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Write-combining range (0xe0000000,0x400000)
(II) S3VIRGE(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x0000
(II) S3VIRGE(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x0000
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Write-combining range (0xa0000,0x10000) was already clear
(**) S3VIRGE(0): Using FB
(II) S3VIRGE(0): Using XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA)
Screen to screen bit blits
Solid filled rectangles
8x8 mono pattern filled rectangles
Solid Horizontal and Vertical Lines
Image Writes
Offscreen Pixmaps
Setting up tile and stipple cache:
32 128x128 slots
18 256x256 slots
7 512x512 slots
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Backing store disabled
(==) S3VIRGE(0): Silken mouse enabled
(II) Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
(II) Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
(II) Initializing built-in extension XTEST
(II) Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
(II) Initializing built-in extension LBX
(II) Initializing built-in extension XC-APPGROUP
(II) Initializing built-in extension SECURITY
(II) Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
(II) Initializing built-in extension XFree86-Bigfont
(II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER
(**) Option "Protocol" "MouseSystems"
(**) Mouse0: Protocol: "MouseSystems"
(**) Option "CorePointer"
(**) Mouse0: Core Pointer
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/sysmouse"
(**) Option "BaudRate" "1200"
(**) Option "StopBits" "2"
(**) Option "DataBits" "8"
(**) Option "Parity" "None"
(**) Option "Vmin" "1"
(**) Option "Vtime" "0"
(**) Option "FlowControl" "None"
(==) Mouse0: Buttons: 3
(**) Mouse0: BaudRate: 1200
(II) Keyboard "Keyboard0" handled by legacy driver
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Mouse0" (type: MOUSE)
(**) Option "BaudRate" "1200"

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