just use "pico /etc/X11/XF86Config"

lördagen den 8 februari 2003 00.49 skrev Paul Wharff:
> Thanks for the help, but that also didn't work. Where can I find the config
> file to see if DontZap is enabled or not.  Any other help is appreciated.
> Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:On Fri, 2003-02-07 at
> 14:16:56 -0800, Paul Wharff proclaimed...
> > I'm farely new to the linux/unix world. I just installed Railroad
> > Tycoon II and occasionally it locks up, but I still have control of my
> > mouse. How do I Force-Quit it like on the Mac or do the
> > 3-finger-salute like on Windows or how do I kill any application for
> > that matter. By the way, don't tell me to use the "kill" command, I
> > know this, however my problem is that I'm stuck in this game and I
> > can't get back to the Xwindows file system. Thanks for any of your
> > imput in advance. --Paul
> Try CTRL+ALT+Backspace
> Twice if need be.
> That is, if you don't have "DontZap" in your config file.
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