First: For some odd reason, your message was a reply to the announcement about the tagging of XFree 4.3.0. It's helpful if you do not send messages as replies to other ones when you mean to start a new thread, because you'll help to keep the threads on their own topics.

Now, on to the information you need. By doing a simple search on for "sony cpd 1430", I found a couple sites that give the VSync and HSync for this monitor as:

VSync: 55 - 110Hz
HSync: 28 - 58kHz

So, for XFree 4.X, you just need to add a line like the following to your XF86Config file under the Monitor section:

VertRefresh 55-110

Then, under the Screen section, set the DefaultDepth to the desired color depth (8bit, 16bit, 24bit color):

DefaultDepth 8

and then, make a SubSection like the following:

SubSection "Display"
        Depth 8
        Modes "800x600"

If I'm correct, these entries should get you what you're looking for. However, I haven't had time to experiment with your setup, so I could very well be wrong.



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