On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, James Wiggs wrote:

>   I am posting this to the XFree86 mailing list and the RedHat general
>list.  The issue appears to be pertinent to both XFree86 and RedHat 9,
>and I have not seen any specific mention of it in the current archives
>when I searched on Google.  I apologize for the length of the note but
>want to get as many possibly pertinent details into it as I can.

In order for you to get working dualhead on the Matrox G400 in 
XFree86, requires that you use Matrox's video driver from their 
website, along with their proprietary Hallib.  The mga driver in 
Red Hat Linux is built with:

#define UseMatroxHal            NO

This is done because Red Hat does not support proprietary 
drivers, and people using them often file bug reports anyway.  
In the case of the Matrox driver, it is very often difficult to 
determine in short order wether or not someone is using the 
unsupported Hallib or not.  Since I wasted counteless hours 
debugging many problems that were caused by Matrox hallib being 
used with the mga driver many releases ago, only to find that 
hallib was being used after having blown a lot of time already, 
I disabled Hallib support intentionally in order to limit the 
amount of bogus bug reports being received.

Theoretically, we could still get bug reports from people who 
download and install both the replacement driver plus hallib from 
Matrox, however for whatever reason - in practice, that has not 
turned out to be the case.  Since disabling hallib support, I 
have received virtually zero bug reports for mga hardware 
involving hallib, so this was a successful decision.

People using Hallib, need to report bugs/problems they are having 
directly to Matrox, so that they are able to fix their binary 
only driver support, as distributions like Red Hat and others 
can't really do much about problems that occur with such drivers 
as we do not have the source code to them.

Hope this clarifies things.

Mike A. Harris

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