Firstly, have you configured you monitor?, I can find  no information about 
it... ie defined refresh rates, resolutions supported etc. You will have to 
do this because you have opted to use the ATI driver by ATI

Secondly, you seem to be using the ATI driver provided by ATI technologies. 
Have you compiled it for Mandrake 9.1? 

Thirdly, you might be alot farther ahead to not use the ATI driver... Xfree 
4.3 has a good driver comparable to the one provided by ATI.

The lastest Xfree developmental drivers for ATI are even better.. *very 

If you have no clue what you are doing... I would recommend the following..

Reinstall Mandrake 9.1 (Install... NOT upgrade) *Back up all your important 

Let Mandrake find your monitor and your ATI card...(it should provide a decent 

If everything seems to be working well... then you may want to modify the 
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file and add the following

Section "DRI"
    Mode 0666

and under the Module Section add

Load "dri" 

as Mandrake 9.1 does not enable Direct Rendering by default..

Best of luck,


On Saturday 11 October 2003 07:23 am, Benoit Labadie wrote:
> Hi,
>     I have installed on my computer the mandrake linux ver 9.1 two days
> ago. I cannot access to the startx server , when i try it, linux return a
> lot of message, particulary this one : "Screen(s) found but none have
> usable configuration" and some lines downer "Fatal Error : No screen
> found".
>     I'm a linux beginner so i can't go through this trouble by myself and
> that's why i'm asking you some help. I join to this mail the .log file
> called XFree86.0.log
>     For information, my computer is a intel Celeron 900 mounted on Matsonic
> Motherboard. My videocard is an ATI Radeon 9000 Pro with 128Mo Ram.
> Thanks a lot.
>                                         Benoit Labadie

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