Hello, this is my first post to this list and I
apologize if this is a simple question but I'm so
close to having this configured right and this one
last thing is getting me.

I upgraded my redhat 7.2 box to redhat 9 last week and
everything went smooth except when I ran startx or
redhat-config-xfree86 it shut my monitor off and I had
to reboot to get back.  I still can't run
redhat-config-xfree86 without errors, but I've made
enough changes to my XF86Config file to get X started
and usable, but the screen resolution keeps defaulting
to 800x600.  Before the upgrade I was running
1600x1200.  I'm attaching my XF86Config file, there
are a number of things in there that aren't being used
and are from the previous version of XFree86 as RH9
put me up to 4, and that may be part of my problem,
but I've been adding in what I need to make v4 work.

Thanks for taking a moment to read through this.


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Attachment: XF86Config
Description: XF86Config

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