You need to send the XFree86.0.log file (look in /var/log) and your 
/etc/X11/XF86Config file

Balencourt , Michel wrote:

>       I have a problem with starting my graphic interface on my Linux
>       I already tried to install a newer version of Xfree86, and updated
>my graphic driver (RadeOn 9100) that I found on the ATI website.  Once I did
>the update, and tried to open with startx, it tries to start, I see a grey
>screen, with a black little cross (une croix), then it goes back to a black
>screen, I hear my screen that mades some refreshes, but it does this in a
>loop, and so I cannot even retrieve the text mode.
>       Can you help?
>       Kind Regards,
>       Balencourt Michel
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