Quoth Stephen King:

> Why don't we start harassing Dell and Gateway since this is a known
> problem with the BIOS. If we start with a standard petition email that
> clearly states what is wrong and what needs to be done to fix it that
> might work. A little bad press by sending this petition to other groups
> and areas letting other open source users know that X will not work on
> these laptops and to avoid buying them.

Don't know about gateway, but I've already done the rounds with dell tech
support a couple of times.  They'll use their standard "We don't support
linux" response and tell you to install windows before they can help.

Intel has done exactly the same thing with their centrino wireless
drivers, even though they've been known to be working "in-house" since

I'll sign whatever petition you like, but I won't delude myself into
thinking it'll make a difference.  Linux users aren't a big enough

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