On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 08:17:22AM -0600, Hank Barta wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-12-19 at 19:16, David wrote:
> > I'm having no luck getting my s3 driver for version 4.2.1 working on
> > my system.
> > 
> > Linux distro is Debian testing.
> I have that card on a system on which I've recently installed Fedora
> Core 1. It uses 4.3.0 and it generally works well. I am unable to get a
> flicker free display at 1600x1200 because I cannot convince the server
> that the card has a 220 MHz dot clock. It probes 170 MHz and seems to
> ignore the "dacspeed 220" in the config file. It did work with an older
> server (which was Debian also.)
> I don't know if my XF86Config would help you, but if you want to give it
> a try, a copy can be found at

I looked at it and can't see much different from what I have.  I took a
hint or two, however.

I never did get 4.2.1 to work but I finally got 4.3.0 to compile and
somehow it finally worked.  I got 4.2.1 to come up if I reduced the
ColorDepth from 24 to 16.  However, if I CTRL-ALT-F? to a console, when
I came back, I'd see a triple image - tripled horizontally, like it
wasn't coming back at the right scan rates.  When I first tried 4.3.0,
it wasn't reading keystrokes right.  Any keypress would be like
CTRL-ALT-"+".  However, I installed my compiled version under
/usr/local/, but it seems that a few files in /etc/X11R6 were affected -
dunno if they were critical or not.  I reinstalled my xlibs,
xserver-xfree and another package or two in hopes of perhaps correcting
any errors this may have caused.

I had a couple of symlinks I changed - /etc/X11/X now
->/usr/local/X11R6/bin/XFree86, and /usr/X11 now ->/usr/local/X11R6/bin

I'm running under 4.3.0 now.  It works pretty well.  I'm not using the
Modelines I did under 3.3.6.  My monitor is a Sony Multiscan 15sf2.  The
manual gives  35.5/37/48 HSync, 56/60/72 VSync for the 800x600 modes.
For this monitor, however, I got this from some web page, I had
specified H/Vsyncs of 31-65 and 50-120 respectively.  These seemed to
work alright.

3.3.6 was using a 64 HSync
Modeline   "800x600"    69.65  800  864  928 1088   600  604  610  640
-HSync -VSync

With the H 31-65, V 50-100 spec with 4.3.0, without the Modeline spec,
it chose something quite near that modeline.  With or without the
modeline spec, I had a nice screen, but a large light-colored window on
a dark background produced flickering lines at the right of the screen,
overscanning I guess.  Applying any change with xvidtune caused the
screen to blacken.

I set the H and V sync spec to 31-49 h and 57-73 v with no Modeline and
now I get as clear a screen as I had with 3.3.6, but a white window
shows the faintest bit of flicker that I didn't have before.  I guess
I'll live with it - maybe play with the specs a bit and see if I can
tweak them.  It would be nice if xvidtune worked, but it doesn't.

Hank, I appreciate your help and am happy that I can, at last, run
Xfree86 v4.

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