Billy Biggs wrote:
I have a problem with tv dvd and video fullscreen with a flat panel
LCD 19 SONY in DVI-D".  I use by default a resolution 1280x1024 but
when I watch TV , DVD and VIDEO I would need 1280x960 otherwise I see
1 horizontal black centimeter on top and bottom of the screen.

  1280x1024 flat panels are not 4:3.  If you actually did get a 1280x960
modeline to work (which I do not think makes sense), the video would be
stretched.  The black bars are supposed to be there.

  I do not think it makes sense to change the resolution of your flat
panel, since it is physically a 1280x1024 grid.

I have a few 19" Sonys (don't recall the exact model numbers) and they all stretch 1280x960 to 1280x1024 - with a wrong aspect ratio as the result.

So you really don't want 1280x960.


Thomas Winischhofer
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