On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, Jim Shorney wrote:

I'm doing what is says to do below. Is anyone actually going to look at this,
b/c I'm not going to spend a half hour typing in system info if not.

Caught signal 11.

Server aborting...

eip: 08257029   eflags: 00013246
eax: ffff4563   ebx: c0000000   ecx: 000001f3   edx: 000001f3
esi: 000003de   edi: 80000000   ebp: bffff378   esp: bffff300
Stack: bffff3d0 bffff3c0 08452ca8 000000d3 bffff350 bffff3dc bffff398 081584bb
      fffffcf5 00010000 000000d1 00000000 00000000 fffffcf5 000003de 000001f3
      00000000 bff00000 00000000 bff00000 00000000 3ff80000 bffffff0 c0000000
      fffff9ec 037f0f7f 00000000 7ff80000 08452ca8 037f077f bffff458 08257541
Call Trace: 081584bb 08257541
Code: 66 89 0b 66 89 73 02 83 c3 04 89 5d e4 29 ca 42 8b 45 e0 89

This looks like a kernel panic to me, except that register designations would be in upper case.

Please forward information about this crash to XFree86@XFree86.org
including the _full_ output of the X server.

This word is likely printed for a reason...


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