On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 10:03:35AM -0700, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
>On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, paul womack wrote:
>> Mark Vojkovich wrote:
>> >    If you were using the neomagic driver and the rendering
>> > was wrong while the vga driver rendered correctly, that implies
>> > a HW acceleration problem with the neomagic driver.  You might
>> > try using the neomagic driver with:
>> >
>> >    Option "noaccel"
>> >
>> > in the Section "Device" of the XF86Config file.  If that works
>> > but is slow, you can add Option "ShadowFB", which should be
>> > faster.  Another option would be to omit the "noaccel" and
>> > "ShadowFB" options and instead try to turn off the acceleration
>> > feature that is broken.  It's not clear which feature that is
>> > so it would take some experimentation, but for starters, I'd
>> > try:
>> >
>> >    Option "XaaNoPixmapCache"
>> >    Option "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps"
>> Thanks for your hints. Sadly, my problems
>> seem rather "deep".
>> I switched (down) to VGA driver (guessing that the chip
>> might support it) and set 800x600 24 bit,
>> and still had the same problem.
>> The only setting that gave non-bugged display
>> was VGA, 1024x768, 256 (paletted) colours!
>   The VGA driver only supports 640x480 with 16 colors, so
>you can't have been running the VGA driver, which brings up
>the question of what you actually are running.
>> This is a little limiting :-)
>> So I suspect my problem is rather deep rooted.
>> I have run Mandrake 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 and 10.1 successfully
>> on this machine; this is the first graphics
>> problem I've had.
>> Any hints (as always...) gratefully accepted.
>   The "broken display" snapshot you showed looked like a rendering
>problem (like pixmaps were blitted to the wrong place).  That can't
>still be happening with Option "noaccel" or it's an application
>issue, not a server issue.  You need to send us your /var/log/XFree86.0.log
>file so we can see what you're really running.

Agreed.  We don't have enough information to see what is going on.

For reference, I run XFree86 4.6.0 on an older laptop with a Neomagic 256AV
(NM2200), and don't see any problems.

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