On Thu, 21 Apr 2011, Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin wrote:

I've been searching for this for a while but, so far, it's still unclear
to me : Is there a width and height limit for pixmaps? Widht / height
type is int but I'm wondering what's the maximum supported values.

I'm using GTK and I know GDK pixmaps and windows can't be wider than
65535. But I got a crash in a GTK app when trying to create a "big"
pixmap, less wide than 65535 but wider than 32767:

The program 'my_app' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.

So my question is: Is it an 'out of memory' error (returned by malloc)
or a width value above a defined limit?

BadAlloc normally indicates an inability to malloc() the space. A 64K x 64K 32-bit pixmap would require 128GB which would need to be provided by a combination of real memory and swap space.


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