Probably best if I quickly describe my setup and what am "trying" to achieve
Our primary domain name is hosted, and has a good old * pop3 account.
Prieviously I used Mdaemon under windows, and used its "domainpop" collection faciluty to grab the company mail.
We are migrating to xmail under linux.
I have setup xmail, and it works perfectly as far as picking up smtp connections and distributing mail (tested by telnet 25, and pretending to be a client).
I cannot for the life of me get the pop mail down from our company pop mailbox.  
The easiest solution I can see would be if there was a pop pickup system that would just dump mail into the processing queue (similair to mdaemon), however if such a feature exists, then it has eluded me (I would be happy to be proved wrong and I know this aint really the mailserver's job).
I have spent a couple of days now playing with fetchmail, which apparently can grab a pop mailbox, and regurgitate it via smtp.  that is the theory.  It mangles the envelopes beyond recognition.
It has options to leave the envelope alone.  Still seems to mangle the envelope, and translate [EMAIL PROTECTED] to root@localhost.
If anyone has had similair problems, I would greatly appreciate some poiners through this problem.
(point of note our pop box supports ETRN which my gut tells me is what I really should be playing with).
Andy Gilmour


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