Hello Mr. Davide Libenzi and list .:)
        I´m having serious problems with the
MkUsers command. I´m thinking update my
XMail version ( 0.65 ) to XMail ( 0.71 ).
        The problem is :
        When i call the input file that
contains XMail users the MkUsers create
the old mailbox structure. So , i receive
the message that " Mailbox is full".
        When i use the CtrlClnt everything
      works fine.

        The created structure is ..

        rootdir                                         <dir>
                mailusers.tab                           <file>
                domains                                 <dir>
                        domainXXX                       <dir>
                                userXXX                 <dir>
                                        user.tab        <file>
                                        Maildir         <dir>
                                                tmp     <dir>
                                                new     <dir>
                                                cur     <dir>
        So , what is the problem in migrate mail
box dirs using MkUsers ?

        -Jefferson Carvalho

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