On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, Devoyon Guillaume wrote:

> Hello,
> I've posted a message about my problem but with no reponse that agree my
> thinking ;-)
> So i ask you there..
> I've made an script in perl that read mails on servers using the pop
> protocol.
> This script enable me to read my mails on the server.
> With traditionnals pop server it's working fine because when the script ask
> to read the last 10 messages i receive them in LIFO format (Last in, first
> OUt).
> When i do the same thing on xmail server (ver 1.10) the list is not in LIFO
> format..
> So i'm not able to read them in order.
> Is there a way to put mails in lifo format when reading in pop protocol ???

Nope. You just do a list and pick up the latest.

- Davide

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