On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, Tracy wrote:

> There appears to be a problem in MAPS processing.
> When the MAPS server name can be resolved, but the server is unreachable,
> the lookup should fail. However, what I've experienced is that when it
> fails, it blocks the incoming connection rather than allowing it.
> For instance, the following log entry, from this afternoon:
> "karen.arisiasoft.com"        "arisiasoft.com"        "" "2003-08-26
> 14:23:43"     "cherry.ease.lsoft.com" ""
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"   ""      ""      "SNDRIP=EIPMAP
> (relays.osirusoft.com)"       ""      "0"     "cherry.ease.lsoft.com"
> C:\Documents and Settings\tracy>ping relays.osirusoft.com
> Pinging relays.osirusoft.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
> Request timed out.
> Request timed out.
> Request timed out.
> Request timed out.
> Ping statistics for
>      Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
> Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
>      Minimum = 0ms, Maximum =  0ms, Average =  0ms
> C:\Documents and Settings\tracy>
> relays.osirusoft.com is unreachable - but XMail is still marking the
> incoming connection as EIPMAP. And of course, this particular address is
> only one of many that was so marked before I caught the problem. It was
> even failing my local server, which I know is not listed anywhere...
> Any insight or advice (other than taking out the failing map, which I've done)?

XMail does a lookup of the reversed IP plus the MAPS server name. The only
way to have it to return a positive response is the host name :

to return a positive lookup.

- Davide

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