On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Mircea Ciocan wrote:

>     Hi all,
> Now that Xmail is in production on a mid-size isp there are couple of
> problems:
>     - some customers are atracted by the "dark-side" and try to launch
> "e-mail campaigns" aka spam via their legitmate accounts, of course with
> spoofed originating e-mail, is there a posibility in Xmail to make this
> impossible ( like once SMTP authorised with "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" all mails
> with other originating address to be rejected) ???
>     - other than implementing a filter to count 'em is there other
> methods to limit the number of e-mails send by an user during a period
> of time. like maximum 100/day and so on ???

If you force each account to authenticate to send messages through your
MTA you will be able to do it with filters.

>     P.S. I'm starting "Convince Davide to implement native IMAP faster
> fund"  ;-), I can contribute with testing, some medium coding skills and
> even some cash, where to send 'em Davide, I'm sure there many other
> people ready to contribute to have the only important missing piece of
> Xmail before X-mas ??

Money does not help here. But since we're close to X-Mas try to ask 32
hours per day to Santa ;)

- Davide

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