Am Don, 2003-10-30 um 01.16 schrieb Nick Marino:
> ok I see log info now.. but I think something is getting recored in the
> database incorrectly.
> I have no spam data and hundreds of bounces. like this is what is shown
> already for about a half hour of logging:

if you don't have spamassassin installed (logs to spam-YYYYMMDD0000) and
have & empty no spam is been

> Bounce Daily Stats
> current: 200.00 m     Average: 166.69 m      Maximum: 300.00 m

m = milli, M = Mega -> 200.00 m = 0.2 -> You have currently 0.2 bounces
/ Minute

> Those figures are usually what I see on the spam not the bounces in my logs.
> Its like they are backwards.
> Can I send you the link to my site so you can see for yourself what I am
> talking about?

I think now its clear - isn't it? - else send me your url

- Achim

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