Am Don, 2003-10-30 um 01.08 schrieb Rob Arends:
> Achim, first I must say, it looks very good.
> This extract from your Install.txt worries me.
> ! Also the logfiles must have the current date in its name (e.g.
> pop3-200310250000),
> ! (If your logs are rotated at 2300 you will have to create symlinks, like
> ! pop3-200310250000 linked to pop3-200310242300.)
> What happens if "-Mr 01" (Set log rotate hours step) is used, this will mean
> that not all the logs will be read by RDDtool.
> I would suggest that files smtp-*, pop3-*, etc are read, that way the
> problem of 2300 rotations are also resolved.

currently the last 4 digits of the logs name are ignored (e.g.
pop3-20031030*) - but greping all logfiles is a cool idea (i really
didn't think about that yet) - it only brings along a little overhead. 

i just tried 
$ grep "2003-10-30 01:0" /var/MailRoot/logs/smtp-* | wc

this simply lasted for about 20 seconds, because i have logfiles since
2001 sitting in the directory...

So I'll give a try for logs-YYYY*

Rob, Thanks for the idea!

- Achim

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