Nobody is complaining.  All everybody is doing is suggesting that XMail
should not ship as an open relay.  The open relay issue is an extremely
obvious issue.  No email server should ever ship as an open relay,
regardless if it is free or paid for.  And it is a very easy fix.  One line
of one tab file needs changed.

I agree completely that every sysadmin should read the manual.  That is as
obvious as the open relay issue.  However, a lot of new users don't read the
manual because they are too lazy.  I agree with the others who have said the
lazy newbies should not be allowed to relay mail until they read the manual.
That is a better solution than allowing their new XMail servers to become
open relays until they read the manual.

This is the same thing we all asked Microsoft to do with IIS.  With version
through IIS5, the web server was totally insecure by default and the
sysadmin's job was to secure it.  With IIS6, it is the opposite.  IIS6 ships
so secure that nothing beyond simple static html pages can be served, and
the sysadmin's job is to open up the features they need.  This was a good
change, and a major reason we have not seen the rash of vulnerabilities in
IIS6 that we saw in previous versions.  Shipping server software so secure
that the sysadmin has to actually open things back up to get it to work is a
good thing, at least with the crap that goes on these days.  An email
server's default setup should be no different.  Why ship an email server as
an open relay?  There is no valid reason.  Every email server should be
shipped as a closed relay, just like we expect every web server should not
be shipped with every misc feature under the sun enabled by default.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dale Qualls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:59 PM
Subject: [xmail] Re: Default Open Relay @ Davide

> <rant>
> Okay, color me stupid, but is it so tough to empty the darned
>  file?
> I'm amazed at everyone bitching over a great product that no one pays any
> money for.
> I agree that spam is an issue, I block over a million pieces a month, but
> for pete's sake people need to take a little responsibility for their own
> server and configure the damned thing properly.
> Leave the poor guy alone (so he can work on 2.0 :-).  If you don't like =
> having to actually configure your own server then go find something else =
> to use nowhere near as stable as XMail and that you have to pay for.
> </rant>
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/31/04 07:52PM >>>
> On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Orion Productions wrote:
> > I really hope you'll reconsider your decision! :-)
> I did
> - Davide
> -
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