I am running XMail v1.17 on Win2K.  It was about a month ago that I 
upgraded to v1.17 and installed Spam Assassin and XAV/Mcafee 
filtering.  For the most part, everything has been working very well.

This morning, we had some power trouble, and the UPS which my mail server 
was plugged into didn't work.  When the mail server restarted, it soon 
slowed to a crawl as it was working through a mail queue and had opened up 
many copies of Spam Assassin and XAV/Mcafee.  The server became totally 
unresponsive as memory usage was up to 1GB, with only 192MB of physical 
memory.  Normally there aren't any issues with memory (~75MB used) as I 
only have ~20 email accounts on this server.

To get things back to normal, it took me ~20min to get into the services 
and change XMail to manual.  I then rebooted the server, cleared out the 
filter calls to SA / XAV, restarted XMail, and then let the server process 
the queue.

I think the server was sending out some queued messages which must have 
been frozen or in queue somewhere as they were 2 weeks old.  I need to 
learn more about queuing...

The other issue, is there someway to prevent XMail from launching so many 
copies of the filter applications simultaneously?

Any help would be appreciated.  Would the recent update to v1.18 help out this?


... Jason Badry

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