On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Joe Harrell wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running XMail 1.20 on Fedora and have had a group of about 15
> messages spanning several days (06/28  - 07/03) and they just refuse
> to go away, I keep picking them up when I retrieve my mail (Pop). 
> Funny thing is that I don't get them every time, I'll get them a few
> times then I won't for a while, then I'll get them again.
> I just downloaded XMail Queue Manager and see them in there, they
> appear to be normal messages.  I can delete them, but just curious if
> this is something that's happened to anyone else?

Look inside the spool directory. Inside 'spool/?/?/slog' there are 
per-message log files. Look what they say ...

- Davide

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