On Thu, 9 Sep 2004, Yasuhiko Kamata wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm now working for IPv6 support on XMail. If you are interesting or willing to use 
> IPv6, try (and report) it please.
> Limitations
> * this patch can only work on Linux (SysDepLinux.cpp).
> * may be unstable (not well tested and work in progress).
> Download
> http://www.belbel.or.jp/~belphegor/xmail/xmail-1.20_ipv6_rel01.patch.bz2
> How to try
> (1) untar original source
>     ex) # tar xvzf xmail-1.20.tar.gz
> (2) bunzip2
>     ex) # bunzip2 xmail-1.20_ipv6_rel01.patch.bz2
> (3) chdir to source directory
>     ex) # cd xmail-1.20
> (4) apply patch
>     ex) # patch -p1 < ../xmail-1.20_ipv6_rel01.patch
> (5) make and install
>     ex) # make -f Makefile.lnx
>         # cp bin/* /var/MailRoot/bin
>         # /etc/init.d/xmail start

Thank you Kamata-san!
XMail code has been done with abstractions inside SysDep* to make IPV6 
transition almost painless for the remaining of the XMail code. The reason 
that it has not been done before is that a very limited number pf users 
requested it. A full implementation would obviously require every 
architecture to be covered, and also, there are other places in the XMail 
code (non SysDep*) where a few bits would need to be touched. Anyway, I 
will add a link to XMail home page if you put the patch and the 
instructions in a simple HTML page.

- Davide

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