On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Chris L. Franklin wrote:

> I'm not so sure about that. I have the same issue with Baldwin-Wallace 
> College <http://www.bw.edu/> a little while back. So i disabled all 
> filters and just tryed send a test email with 4 short lines in it. And 
> it still returned that error.
> Now i will say it finally stopped about 1 week ago. After having this 
> issue for 3 months. And I've changed nothing here, and acorrding to BW 
> they didn't change anything either (I really don't beleave them)
> Ps. I never reported this, Due to it really only being 1 email server I, 
> had issues with.

How magic, it just stopped. Right when we needed it. If XMail did not 
change, and they did not change any settings, maybe there's one of those 
brain demaged filtering fw in the middle. Since for me issues do not exist 
until I can verify them, the next time drop a few lines so we can add this 
in the knowledge base.

- Davide

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