On Thu, 14 Oct 2004, Alex Young wrote:

>       I am receiving an email error message when I try sending to someone.
> Its only addresses on their domain that gives this error. I have searched
> Google to see if I can find any info out and only found one small bit about
> it that might be relevant.
> Error message is;
> "Message has no Message-ID"
> I found this on Google;
> IF (NOT @seenheader("Message-ID")) SET $spamlevel += 51 AND $spamtests +=
> "NO_MESSAGE_ID;"    <====  If a message has no Message-ID it is violating
> the RFC-822 standard. This catches few legitimate email clients, but lots of
> SPAMmers.
> Does xmail not support Message-ID?
> Anyone know what might be wrong and how I can fix it please?

Erm ... that's a typical MUA thing.

- Davide

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