On Fri, 24 Dec 2004, Vijay Doshi wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have been using XMAIL Server for sometime now and have recently had several 
> complaints from end users regarding 550 errors.
> In a nutshell, the users sent an email (with 2 word attachments) out to a 
> distribution list of about 20 people. No errors.
> About 7 minutes later, they sent  an email (with 2 word attachments) to the 
> same distribution list and got 10 550 errors.
> This is not the only instance of this - it is in fact rather common.
> I do not think this is a config. problem and have verified the following:
> The recipient's SMTP blocks your mail because one of these reasons:
> - Your HeloDomain in server.tab is no real domain name
>     ***domain is identified
> - You run XMail from a dynamic IP address range
>     ***No
> - You are in a cable modem IP range
>     ***No
> - Your SMTP is an open relay
>     ***No
> - You or your ISP are blacklisted by an antispam database.
>   In that case search the SLOG for details about the blacklisting 
>   service and see if it is possible to clear your entry from that list.
>     ***No
> Any help is appreciated.

Can you please show the full content of the 550 SMTP message?

- Davide

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