On Sat, 25 Dec 2004, Shiloh Jennings wrote:

> Wow, thanks.  I have two quick questions about the greylisting pluggin.  =
> How
> does that handle customers connecting with SMTP AUTH to send email?  =

This needs to be added, since we have the USERAUTH macro. But, actually, 
more than in the GLST filter, this is something we can have in XMail. That 
is, filters triggered based on authentication credentials.

> Also,
> how does that handle the form to email scripts running on the same boxes
> that are trusted for relaying (EX: when is listed in the
> smtprelay.tab file)?  Does the greylisting pluggin understand the =
> difference
> between an untrusted remote server trying to deliver email to accounts =
> on my
> server vs the trusted users and scripts that must be allowed to send =
> email
> without getting delayed by greylisting?

This is already present, with the multiple "--xnet NET" command line 
option, or with the multiple "xnet=..." configuration option. Basically, 
you can whitelist IP nets.

- Davide

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