Hello Davide

Just a feature request, suggestion :

Currently there is no 'user rename' fonction.
But as it is current to change users emails on live systems (especialy as

Sure, we can do the job by hand or from a script
Tasks are :
- Save old account user.tab file
- Temporarly set old account to not receive more mail (flag in user.tab)
- Create new account
- Copy saved user.tab, and current mailproc.tab and mailbox content to new
account directory
- Take a note of any aliases pointing to old address and delete them
- Recreate the aliases to point to new address
- Delete old account (and optionnaly create an alias from old address to new
address for continuity in delivery)
And there is a  problem with the current spool ... if at same time of
changes some mail for old user is in the queue ...

I have a program for this task (except queue problem ...) but it is not
'globaly' very fast because of multiple ctrl commands to send to do the task
And the big problem is unicity of the transaction : if a command fail due
to, for example, connectivity, the big problem is to restore
account/aliases/... at original state.

An new ctrl command (userrename ?) could do the job verify fast, internally,
transparently and safely (except local server hardware crach ...)

Any chance to see this new command in xmail ctrl managment protocol in
future ?


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