Yes. It's able to do outbound connections on all ports.

I checked the logs, but found nothing weird. Only states that a user
tries to connect and get's auth'ed. Nothing more.

On 1/11/06, Davide Libenzi <> wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Jan 2006, Thomas Bresson wrote:
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > I've installed XMail and PHPXMail on my Ubuntu but something seems to be wr=
> > ong.
> >
> > I've checked my DNS settings, my MX records, IP, domain name and
> > everything I could think of. Also I opened my router for traffic on
> > port 25 and 110 TCP.
> >
> > I am able to logon to the mailserver with the user accounts I've made,
> > but sending mail or recieving mail is impossible. I made a test
> > mailing between the accounts, nothing happend. Also I made a test by
> > mailing from "outside" to an account on my domain. Several days later
> > I got an error from the SysAdmin that there was a timeout. I am able
> > to do a telnet connection to the mailserver port though.
> >
> > Hope you can help me out.
> Is the Xmail machine able to issue outbound requests (UDP and TCP) to port 53?
> - Davide
> -
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