On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, David Lord wrote:

> Only a home server here, k6-400, NetBSD 3.1, total memory = 127 MB, 
> avail memory = 119 MB. I used to send a batch of 12 emails from a 
> remote account as test of spamassassin and fprot, 6 x connections 
> each to 2 accounts. Occasionally all would slowly get through but 
> mostly system crashed (I think there is a memory problem from NetBSD 
> 2.0 on and still not located/fixed with 4.0). Seemed most likely 
> spamassassin perl script was using all memory but I set a check in 
> both fprot and spamassassin to each limit number of scans to 2. That 
> fixed the problem completely.
> I'm sure possibly several years back I've had cases of seeing 
> incoming email connections in firewall logs but nothing arriving in 
> mailbox. Going through spool and deleting any that appeared to be 
> spam would fix the problem. It's happened so infrequently that I 
> never tried to work out exact cause.

This is very likely due to filters timing out.

- Davide

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