On Sun, 6 Jan 2008, Michal A. Valasek wrote:

> Hello,
> I have feature request: let local mailer in Xmail support Windows Mail
> Pickup Service format, in addition to its own.
> Why? It seems that built-in SMTP server in Windows is going to be
> deprecated. In Windows Server 2008 it must be separately installed,
> configured etc. Microsoft was considering dropping it altogether, but
> they decided to keep it - yet. So no future seems to be in it.
> However, putting text file in defined format to mail folder is the way
> how lots of application works. .NET has built-in feature and
> configuration for it. Location of such folder can be configured (ie. to
> point to Xmails folder), but format of message not. Of course we can use
> SMTP, but it has lots of negative implications and does not scale well.
> The Mail Pickup Service format is simple. It's standard RFC2822, but it
> has two headers added on top: x-sender (which is envelope sender) and
> x-receiver (which is envelope recipient and may be present more than
> once).
> I think that presence of this feature will not complicate Xmail and will
> help lots of developers and server admins, who may continue to use
> current applications without rewriting them.
> If you'll be in a good mood, consider adding separate configurable
> 'watch' folder to scan for local messages (to allow to point it to
> C:\inetpub\MailRoot\pickup, which is default location), but it's not
> really necessary - the folder name can usually be changed (in good
> applications).

Or, instead of adding a system dependent feature to XMail, someone can 
write something trivially simple that moves messages from one folder to 
the other (XMail's one), with proper conversion.

- Davide

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