Chris Jones wrote:
I have been running XMail on two servers. One at the office and one at home. I closed my office and tried to change the domain name of the home server to that of the office server. Now I can't connect to the home server.

XMail version 1.22
XP Pro

previous domain on home server:
previous domain on office server:

I deleted all the xmail files from the home server and copied in the xmail files from the office server to the home server. I started the service and it is running. Now I can't connect using my email client nor with XMail Manager.

What have I done wrong?

Have you updated the DNS record with your domain registrar?
Ie. must now point to your home IP.
For this to happen you must change it in the DNS database.

You can diagnose it by using the IP adress first,
ie. see if the command "ping" finds your IP.
Then try the same with the domain name
and check that it is going to the right IP.
You can also enter the IP into your mail-client
and connect via IP for such testing purposes.

I think it is only a DNS problem; you must update your DNS record.
Ask your registrar of your domain or the DNS admin for how to update
the DNS record so that it now shows to your home IP.

But if your home IP is a dynamic IP then things aren't that easy,
see for example on how to overcome the
limitations of dynamic IPs.


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