Dear Francis

Problem 1

I think I found root cause, the problem come from when client send Email the process nearly 100% completely from mail client to XMail server on this time connection is corrupt, process of mail client not complete it re-send again[duplicate],
this process XMail already receive Email and send to recipient two time,

Problem 2
user not told real attach files size to me,
after I check by my self I found attach file it so big it around 40 Mb

but it so strange because in I setup MaxMessageSize to 100 Mb(100000) but in I setup only 20Mb (20000)

It look like MaxMessageSize in didn't work, Need to enable some think else?

Thank you

Rittikorn L.

On 01/19/2011 02:58 PM, wrote:
Sorry for late response

Problem 1 : Duplicate messages
- First can you confirm that xmail server receive only one time the sender
mail ? (not resend by user or user computer or software)
Chek xmail smtp log and xmail user mailbox (not Dovecot, bu sure it did not
get the mails, stop it) to see if mail received it only once)
- Second, if first point checking ok, xmail receive only one, as your final
pop/imap server is Dovecot, it seems to be on Dovecot side to inspect, as
xmail pop is not involved (if I understand well you setup)

Problem 2 : Message Size
If message size seems physicaly correct in xmail spool and final mailbox,
definitively it is a XQM bug ...

-----Message d'origine-----
De :
[]De la part de Rittikorn
Envoye : samedi 15 janvier 2011 02:48
A : XMail Users Mailing List
Objet : Re: [xmail] Duplicate Email issue

Dear Francis

- xmail server version (and running os)

XMail version 1.27 on CentOS5.5
Dovecot for POP and IMAP

- Sender use the xmail server as outgoing smtp server, or is a external
XMail is a outgoing server

- Receiver is a local xmail mailbox on the same server or a
foreign system ?
mailbox is a same server

- Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook versions for sender
and receiver ?
...... and any other information that could be usefull
Outlook Express 6 and Microsoft outlook 2003

For second problem :
- xmail server version (and running os)
XMail version 1.27 on CentOS5.5
Dovecot for POP and IMAP

- XQM version

XQM version 1.46

- Did you verify physical message size in xmail receiver
mailbox ? (if so,
you have the response, XQM bug, not xmail bug :) )

Yes, I check original Email from client is around 8 Mb, and I has a
anti-spam function for spam logs also show file size 55 M
I not sure about MIME type size but, actual in my understand MIME type
transform is not over Mail size x2, it correct?

- Then retreiving the mail via pop, does size seems to be ok
and attachment
readable or not ?
...... and any other information that could be usefull

When client receive Email size is normally

Best Regards,
Rittikorn L.

On 01/14/2011 06:06 PM, wrote:
-----Message d'origine-----
De :
[]De la part de Rittikorn
Envoye : vendredi 14 janvier 2011 11:08
A :
Objet : [xmail] Duplicate Email issue

Dear all

I has two issue from XMail

1. some time when client send email from outlook express or
the recipient receive duplicate Email, some time 2-3 email
some time 5
email and some time more than 10
Email size not so big

What is a concern point on my problem

2. When client send Email with attach file around 7 Mb, but
this email
detect by
XQM found Email size around 55 Mb, this is a normally operation or
mistake something?

please advise me

Thank you

Best Regards,
Rittikorn L.

Please, be more precise in running environment and problem,
to help us help
you :)
For first problem :
- xmail server version (and running os)
- Sender use the xmail server as outgoing smtp server, or is
a external
- Receiver is a local xmail mailbox on the same server or a
foreign system ?
- Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook versions for sender
and receiver ?
..... and any other information that could be usefull

For second problem :
- xmail server version (and running os)
- XQM version
- Did you verify physical message size in xmail receiver
mailbox ? (if so,
you have the response, XQM bug, not xmail bug :) )
- Then retreiving the mail via pop, does size seems to be ok
and attachment
readable or not ?
..... and any other information that could be usefull


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