Hi folks,

Apologies if this is a known issue, but after going
through the mail archives and not finding an answer,
I'm hoping someone can help as I've been struggling
with this for a couple of weeks now.

What I'm trying to accomplish is essentially running
xmame.SDL on my Slack-based cabinet.  0.80.1 built
fine and runs OK in this environment, with one
exception: raster games do not appear fullscreen. 
Both vector games and Advancemenu (itself built
against SDL) do fullscreen without problems, so it
looks as though fullscreen in the mode that I'm using
is doable.

Now, I know that people are probably thinking that
section 3.26 of the xmame FAQ
(http://tinyurl.com/27lyq -  the part regarding
borders around the game in SDL) is coming into play
here, and it may well be.  However, there's a catch:
that section of the FAQ specifically talks about modes
under X.  I'm running SDL in console.  

Is there a way to define the same video modes under
console as for X?  It seems to me that if it's doable
for one it should be (somehow) doable for the other
since it's essentially the same display access method
in both cases.  Of course, I'm rather new to SDL
(having previously been running under XFree86), so
please excuse me if this is a very basic question.

Also, please note that I am operating to certain
constraints here: the main reason I want to use
console is to save the CPU overhead acquired from
running XFree86.  I'm also stuck with having to use
640x480x32M due to running on a fixed-freq arcade

Any ideas would be gratefully received; I asked this
initially on the MAME forums (http://tinyurl.com/2t5un
- pulled here from Google's cache due to the posts
expiring) but it was suggested I may want to ask here.


- Fic.

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